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魔力立 益生菌膠囊 修身 60粒 MONILAC Metabolic 60 cap 食用期限 Exp Date: 2025年12月31日



每粒膠囊含100億個益生菌 通過影響脂肪代謝、食慾、脂肪吸收和腸道健康等多方面協助體重管理,達直修身效果。 10 billion lactic acid bacteria in 1 capsule Brings positive effect in weight management by adjustment of the metabolism, appetite, fat absorption and intestinal lumen environment *經過充分研究的乳酸菌株 BPL1 和膽鹼,有助於正常的脂質代謝。 *維生素 B6,有助於正常的能量代謝。 *Well researched lactic acid strain BPL1 and choline : contributes to normal lipid metabolism *Vitamin B6 : contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism Manufactured in Finland. 芬蘭製造 Ingredient 成份: Bifidobacterium lactis BPL1 CFU 10x10⁹ 比菲德氏雷特氏菌BPL1 CFU 10x10⁹ Choline 100mg 膽鹼 100mg Vitamin B6 2.8mg


Dosage: 1 capsule daily with water. The capsule can be opened and mixed into water.
服法: 每日一粒,用清水服用。亦可將膠囊打開,將膠囊內的益生菌倒入清水,混合飲用

Manufactured in Finland. 芬蘭製造


針對體重管理,Bifidobacterium lactic (比菲德氏菌乳酸亞種)有多方面的潛在益處。以下是一些詳細的信息:
1. 調節脂肪代謝
Bifidobacterium lactic 可以通過影響身體的脂肪代謝來幫助體重管理。研究表明,這種益生菌能夠影響脂肪細胞的形成和脂肪的儲存,從而有助於減少脂肪積累。
2. 降低食物攝取量
一些研究指出,Bifidobacterium lactic 能夠通過調節飽腹感和食慾激素來降低食物攝取量。這可以幫助個人減少過度進食,從而有助於體重控制。
3. 減少脂肪吸收
Bifidobacterium lactic 還可能通過減少腸道對脂肪的吸收來幫助控制體重。這意味著即使攝入相同數量的脂肪,身體吸收的脂肪也會減少,從而有助於體重管理。
4. 血糖水平
Bifidobacterium lactic 或有助血糖水平,這對於預防肥胖和相關的代謝情況有重要作用。
5. 影響腸道微生態
健康的腸道微生態對於體重管理至關重要。Bifidobacterium lactic 能夠促進有益菌群的生長,抑制有害菌群,從而改善腸道健康,這對於體重控制有積極影響。
6. 降低腸道滲透性
高滲透性的腸道可能導致“腸漏症”,這與肥胖和代謝疾病有關。Bifidobacterium lactic 可以幫助降低腸道滲透性,改善腸道屏障功能,從而有助於體重管理。
一些臨床研究支持了 Bifidobacterium lactic 對體重管理的益處。例如,一項研究發現,補充這種益生菌的肥胖個體在飲食控制下顯示出顯著的體重減輕和脂肪減少。同時,動物實驗也表明,Bifidobacterium lactic 能夠改善代謝健康,減少脂肪積累。
總結來說,Bifidobacterium lactic 在體重管理方面展示了多方面的潛在益處,主要通過影響脂肪代謝、食慾、脂肪吸收和腸道健康等多種途徑。

There are alot of literature and university research have pointed out that through screening, researchers found that Bifidobacterium lactis BPL1 is associated with lowering total lipids, triglycerides, and other parameters related to metabolic health. The early studies have also proven that BPL1 can have a positive impact on weight management, in order to make Bifidobacterium lactis BPL1 more convincing, ADM conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial around this strain. 

To gain further recognition from consumers and the market, the lipoteichoic acid (LTA) of the BPL1 strain exerts a fat-reducing effect in the body [1] and is suitable for people who are concerned about  obesity [2] and are overweight or obese

Getting enough choline is necessary for normal liver function and to prevent fat accumulation in the liver in people who do not drink excessive amounts of alcohol.


[1] Lipoteichoic acid from Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BPL1: a novel postbiotic that reduces fat deposition via IGF-1 pathway

[2] Effects of enriched seafood sticks (heat-inactivated B. animalis subsp. lactis CECT 8145, inulin, omega-3) on cardiometabolic risk factors and gut microbiota in abdominally obese subjects: randomized controlled trial
3. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Choline-Consumer/

注意:  本產品不能取代均衡飲食和健康的生活習慣。

Cautions: This product is a supplement, not a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits



使用後,請保持瓶蓋緊閉,置放於攝氏25度以下 &  陰涼乾燥處,且兒童不易取得之處。

Keep the bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place (below 25) and avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.


產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。 

For details, please refer to the label on the product. The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.

