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購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

日本命力 Meiriki Reuteri Probiotics Chewable 活得易益生菌 100粒裝│調節腸胃健康



★「活得易」益生菌能製造抗菌劑Reuterin,有效抑制害菌,平衡腸道,是少數可防止被胃酸及膽汁殺死的益菌,功效更勝一般益生菌。 ★ which effectively inhibits harmful bacteria and balances the intestinal tract. It is one of the few probiotics that can prevent being killed by gastric acid and bile, and is more effective than ordinary probiotics.

Rincian Produk

  • ★ which effectively inhibits harmful bacteria and balances the intestinal tract. It is one of the few probiotics that can prevent being killed by gastric acid and bile, and is more effective than ordinary probiotics.

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