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Verrufilm 法國去疣液 (雞眼藥水) 14毫升 Solution for Treatment of Warts 14ml (原裝行貨)



去除皮膚疣的專用藥品(只供外用) 適用於: 疣 雞眼 硬繭硬皮 香港藥物註冊編號 HK-42195 原廠行貨,法國製造 For treatment of warts, common warts on skin (for external use only) Hong Kong Drug Registration number HK-42195 Authorized goods. Product of France


Verrufilm  法國去疣液 14毫升 

適用 : 蹠疣,手上尋常疣和嵌鑲疣等

主要成分 : 乳酸16.7%, 水楊酸16.7%

使用方法 : 用附帶小棒塗適量去疣液於患處,睡前用, 連續用8週,使用前請參閱包裝說明及產品說明書。


產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明及產品說明書。 (只供外用)



Verrufilm    Solution for Treatment of Warts 14ml 

Indication : For treatment of plantar warts, common warts on hand and mosaic warts.

Active Ingredient : Lactic acid 16.7%, Salicylic acid 16.7%

Direction of use : Use of small dab to put liquid on affected area, 1 application at bed time continuously for 8 weeks. Please refer to the instructions on the packaging and package leaflet before use. (FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY)

Precautions : Flammable, keep away from fire. Cap must always be tightly screwed. Store below 25°C. Keep out of reach of children. Not use on open wound.

For details, please refer to the label on the product and package leaflet.

The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
