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Eva intima VAGIL Lubricant gel 潤滑保濕啫喱 75ml



eva intima Vagil 是一種水溶性潤滑啫喱(凝膠),不含石油或石蠟油。它不像普通的潤滑劑那樣容易粘著或著色,其洋甘菊和維生素成分可以保護和減輕性交時引起的輕微不適和擦傷。 特點及用途: • eva intima Vagil 是一種水溶性潤滑啫喱(凝膠) • 在陰道粘膜上形成天然保護和潤滑膜 • 有效改善性交時因潤滑不足產生的疼痛 • 加入了洋甘菊、蘆薈及維生素E,保護女性陰道及減輕因性行為可能造成的不適及刮傷 • 唧筒型設計,方便隨時使用 • 不含凡士林或石蠟油 • 不會黏著或染色及不留污漬 • 安全,男女適用 • 與避孕套相容 • 不含人造色素、香料及防腐劑 主要成份: • 羥乙基纖維素、甘油、聚季銨鹽-10 水溶性持久潤滑劑 • 洋甘菊、蘆薈及維生素E (具舒緩、保濕和抗氧化作用) 產地: 歐洲,希臘 包裝及儲存: • 潤滑啫喱瓶裝:75ml 一支 • 放置於兒童接觸不到的地方 • 存放於溫度 15°C 至 25°C內,及乾爽陰涼處 其他: • 如對產品的任何成分過敏,請避免使用產品 • 此產品無避孕效果 • 此產品並無治療疾病功效 eva intima Vagil is a lubricating gel, specially designed to facilitate sexual intercourse and enhance pleasure when there is insufficient lubrication. It does not contain petroleum jelly or paraffin-oil. It does not stick or stain like common lubricants. Chamomille and vitamin provide protection against minor irritations and abrasions caused by sexual intercourse. Features and Benefits: • Water-based lubticant gel with Hydroxyethylcellulose & Glycerin • Creating a natural protective and lubricating film on the vaginal mucosa • Facilitating sexual intercourse and confrontation of dyspareunia • Chamomile, Aloe & Vitamin E : providing protection against minor irritations or scratches of vaginal mucosa • Pump design, easy to use at any time • No petroleum jelly or paraffin oil • Does not stick or stain • Safe to use • Compatible with condoms • No artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives Main Ingredients: • Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Glycerin and Polygqualerium-10, soluble lubricating gel • Chamomile, Aloe & Vitamin E (provide soothing, hydrating and antioxidant action) Country of Origin: Europe, Greece Package and Storage: • 75ml vial with dosage pump • Keep out of reach of children • Store in a dry and cool (15°C - 25°C) place Other: • In case of known hypersensitivity to any of the product's ingredients, do not use • This product is not a contraceptive & does not contain a spermicide • In case of underlying disease, it should be used in parallel with the indicated treatment


eva intima Vagil is a lubricating gel, specially designed to facilitate sexual intercourse and enhance pleasure when there is insufficient lubrication. It does not contain petroleum jelly or paraffin-oil. It does not stick or stain like common lubricants. Chamomille and vitamin provide protection against minor irritations and abrasions caused by sexual intercourse.

Features and Benefits:
• Water-based lubticant gel with Hydroxyethylcellulose & Glycerin
• Creating a natural protective and lubricating film on the vaginal mucosa
• Facilitating sexual intercourse and confrontation of dyspareunia
• Chamomile, Aloe & Vitamin E : providing protection against minor irritations or scratches of vaginal mucosa
• Pump design, easy to use at any time
• No petroleum jelly or paraffin oil
• Does not stick or stain
• Safe to use
• Compatible with condoms
• No artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives

Main Ingredients:
• Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Glycerin and Polygqualerium-10, soluble lubricating gel
• Chamomile, Aloe & Vitamin E (provide soothing, hydrating and antioxidant action)

Country of Origin:
Europe, Greece

Package and Storage:
• 75ml vial with dosage pump
• Keep out of reach of children
• Store in a dry and cool (15°C - 25°C) place

• In case of known hypersensitivity to any of the product's ingredients, do not use
• This product is not a contraceptive & does not contain a spermicide
• In case of underlying disease, it should be used in parallel with the indicated treatment
