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Eva Intima Restore Gel女性護理陰道修復保濕啫喱 (香港行貨) 【私密護理 修復保濕】



˙ 陰道手術、電療或化療後。 ˙ 因生育、年紀老化或缺乏荷爾蒙而引致陰道乾燥。 ˙ 能有效地加速修復,達至保護及濕潤的效果。 ˙ 調節陰道pH至其正常的酸性值。 ˙ 適合於更年期後使用。 ˙ Help the restoration of the vaginal mucosa after vaginal surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. ˙ Vaginal dryness due to child birth, aging or estrogen deficiency. ˙ Create a protective film on the vaginal mucosa. ˙ Regulate the vaginal pH to its normal acidic value. ˙ Suitable for use after menopause

Product Details


EVA RESTORE® helps the regeneration and restoration of the sensitive vaginal mucosa, in atrophies or injuries. It accelerates healing of the vaginal mucosa after vaginal surgery, dystrophies which occur after chemotherapy or radiation, vaginal dryness due to aging or estrogen deficiency as well as after child birth. It also creates a protective film on the vaginal mucosa while regulating the vaginal pH to its natural acidic value .

Features and Benefits:
˙ Help the restoration of the vaginal mucosa after vaginal surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.
˙ Vaginal dryness due to child birth, aging or estrogen deficiency.
˙ Create a protective film on the vaginal mucosa.
˙ Regulate the vaginal pH to its normal acidic value.
˙ Suitable for use after menopause

Package and storage:
˙ 9 tubes per pack.
˙ Keep out of reach of children.
˙ Store below 25°C, in a cool place and prevent from sunlight.

˙ Extract of Chamomile, Aloe, Calendula, Centella asiatica and Malaleuca : effective confrontation of irritation and sense of inflammation, ehances the vaginal mucosa’s natural healing capacity.
˙ Maximum yield of hyaluronic acid: contributes to the healing of atrophic or injured vaginal mucosa.
˙ Bioecolia: enhancement of the normal vaginal flora.
˙ Lactic acid: immediate restoration of the disrupted vaginal pH to its natural acidic value.

EVA RESTORE® Vaginal Gel: 9 pre-filled, single use applicator tubes per pack.
Regeneration and healing: One application per day for 7 days, preferably at night before bedtime.
Enhance protection: One application per day for 3 days, every 10 days, preferably at night before bedtime.
(1) Hold the applicator from the wide end. Point the narrow end of the applicator towards the ground and shake 5 or 6 times, in order for the contents to move towards the nozzle.
(2) Keep holding the applicator with the nozzle pointed to the ground, and brake off the safety cap on the nozzle to open the applicator.
(3) Insert the nozzle into the vagina preferably while lying down and press on the thick end of the applicator in order to deposit the entire quantity of EVA RESTORE® into the vagina.



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