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內絡必安 維他命B1,B6,B12 100粒 NEUROBION Vitamin B1, B6, B12 100 coated Tablets



維他命 B1, B6, B12 每日3粒Neurobion內絡必安 從此同戚、痺、痠、痛講Bye Bye! 奧地利製造,原裝進口 經臨床證實,能幫助修復受損的神經細胞 優點: -含Vitamin B1, B6, B12 -鞏固神經系統健康 -有效紓緩腰酸背痛、肩頸膊痛、手痺腳痺和刺痛感 -有助消除疲勞及肌肉乏力問題 Vitamin B - B1, B6, B12 • Combination of vitamin B1, B6 and B12 • Clinically tested to maintain a healthy nervous system • Effectively nourishes your nerve cells, relieves muscle cramps in back and shoulder, hand and feet numbness, tingling and eye twitching. • Effectively reduces tiredness, muscle weakness.


內絡必安 維他命B1,B6,B12  100粒  

• 含特定維他命B雜組合 (B1, B6, B12)
• 經臨床證實,有效從根源鞏固神經系統健康
• 幫助修復受損神經線,舒緩腰酸背痛、肩頸膊痛、手痺腳痺和眼部肌肉抽搐等症狀
• 有助消除疲勞及舒緩肌肉乏力



維他命B1 (100mg):可強化神經與及為神經系統提供能量。
維他命B6 (200mg):維繫神經訊息傳遞。

從此同戚、痺、痠、痛講Bye Bye!

NEUROBION Vitamin B1, B6, B12 100 coated Tablets

Vitamin B - B1, B6, B12
• Combination of vitamin B1, B6 and B12
• Clinically tested to maintain a healthy nervous system
• Effectively nourishes your nerve cells, relieves muscle cramps in back and shoulder, hand and feet numbness, tingling and eye twitching.
• Effectively reduces tiredness, muscle weakness.

Every movement in our body is controlled by our nerves. When you feel tingling, numbness and muscle cramps in back and shoulder, it could be because your nerves have not been optimally nourished.

Neurobion® is clinically proven to effectively nourish your nerve cells by regenerating nerves, relieving muscle cramps in the back and shoulder, numbness in hand and feet and tingling sensation.

Start to take care of your nerve health today. Maintain a healthy nervous system for a better quality of life!

Key ingredients (Every caplet contains):
Vitamin B1 (100mg): Strengthens nerves and serves as a source of energy of nerves
Vitamin B6 (200mg): Promotes transmission of nerve impulses
Vitamin B12 (200mcg): Regenerates nerves and prevents nerve cells from damage

Country of Origin: Austria



1. 如症狀持續,請諮詢專業人士。
2. 不適合14歲以下兒童服用。
3. 孕婦或計劃懷孕婦女在服用維他命或礦物質前,請徵詢專業人士意見。於個別案例中,每日服用多於600毫克高劑量的維他命B6可能會抑制母乳的產生。
4. 未有資料顯示這產品對開車或操作機器的能力有影響。
5. 有文獻指出與神經系統有關的副作用,例如:手腳刺痛與長期攝入高劑量的維他命B6有關聯, 但這些副作用罕見而且是可逆轉的。如每天服用>50mg維他命B6超過6個月,我們建議你向專業人士查詢,並作定期檢查。
6. NEUROBION® (維他命B1 + B6 + B12) 含蔗糖,故不建議對糖分有不耐症的人士服用 (例如罕見的遺傳性半乳糖或果糖有不耐症、葡萄糖 - 半乳糖吸收不良症、乳糖不耐症或庶糖 - 異麥芽糖 酶酶缺乏症。)
7. 凡對 NEUROBION®的任何成分敏感之人士均不適合服用 (請參照「成分」)。
8. 正接受其他藥物治療之人士在服用此產品前需先徵詢專業人士意見。
9. 如下列情況出現,應停止服用並徵詢專業人士意見:冒汗、心跳過速、皮膚痕癢、出現蕁麻疹、噁心、嘔吐、肚瀉或腹痛。
10.腎臟和泌尿系統:色素尿 (「紅尿」會在服用首8小時後出現,並會在48小時內消退。)
11. 相互作用:i) 左旋多巴 (L-dopa):如與維他命B6一服用,其左旋多巴的效力會減少。
ii) 吡多醇對抗劑 (Pyridoxine antagonists),例如:異煙胼 (Isoniazide)、環絲氨酸 (Cycloserine)、青霉素 (Penicillamine) 或肼屈嗪 (Hydralazine),如一同服用會減低維他命B6的功效。iii) 如長期服用環類利尿劑如呋塞米 (Furosemide),可能會減低硫胺素 (thiamine) 的血濃度。


1. Consult your professional if symptoms persist.
2. Not suitable for children under the age of 14.
3. Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy should consult professional before taking vitamin or mineral supplements. In individual cases, high doses of Vitamin B6, i.e. > 600 mg daily, may inhibit the production of breast milk.
4. No eects of the product on the ability to drive or use machines are known.
5. Neurological side eects such as tingling hands and feet associated with long-term intake with higher doses of Vitamin B6 are reported in the literature. These side eects are rare and reversible but we recommend you consult a physician and ensure regular monitoring if dosing >50mg daily Vitamin B6 beyond 6 months.
6. NEUROBION® (Vitamins B1+B6+B12) tablets contain sucrose; therefore its use is not recommended in patients with rare hereditary galactose or fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, Lapp lactase deficiency, or sucrase-isomaltase insuciency.
7. NEUROBION® must not be used in patients hypersensitive to any of the active ingredients of the product (see Composition in outer box).
8. Patients under treatment by a physician should consult a professional before taking this product.
9. Stop taking this product and consult a professional, if the following situations occur: sweating, tachycardia (rapid heart beat), skin itching, urticaria, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain.
10. Renal and urinary disorders: Chromaturia (“reddish urine”, appeared during the first 8 hours after an administration and typically resolves within 48 hours).
11. Interactions: i) The e?ect of L-dopa maybe reduced when Vitamin B6 is administered concomitantly. ii) Pyridoxine antagonists such as isoniazide, cycloserine, penicillamine, or hydralazine may decrease the e?cacy of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). iii) Long-term use of loop diuretics such as furosemide may accelerate the elimination and thus decrease the serum levels of Vitamin B1 (thiamine).
