購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

佐藤SATO Tsuruko 柔美 嬰孩專用潤膚膏 38g│適用於初生嬰兒及兒童



★預防及紓緩因乾燥天氣或接觸刺激物引致的皮膚乾澀、繃緊、皸裂、發紅、痕癢及脫皮。 ☆以凡士林作為底霜,加入維他命A 及 E,有效改善臉頰及嘴角肌膚粗糙、令皮膚柔軟嫩滑。 ★不含人造色素及香料,低刺激性質,不會引致敏感。 ☆適合初生嬰兒及兒童每日使用。 ★A baby skin care cream which restores smoothness and suppleness to the roughened skin of the cheeks and perioral region. ☆Contains no coloring or flavoring agents. Uses white Vaseline, which is found in ophthalmic ointments. Can be safely applied to a baby’s cheeks, which are very sensitive to coloring and flavoring agents and can also be safely used on the delicate skin of women. ★Contains vitamins A and E, which inhibit dryness of the skin and moist the rough skin.


  • A baby skin care cream which restores smoothness and suppleness to the roughened skin of the cheeks and perioral region.
  • Contains no coloring or flavoring agents. Uses white Vaseline, which is found in ophthalmic ointments. Can be safely applied to a baby’s cheeks, which are very sensitive to coloring and flavoring agents and can also be safely used on the delicate skin of women.
  • Contains vitamins A and E, which inhibit dryness of the skin and moist the rough skin.
