特選會員現凡消費滿 HKD 980.00,即享全單 HKD 200.00 減免優惠!

購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

佐藤SATO Tenol Solution 體潔 止汗水 30ml │消除汗臭及體臭



★抑制汗腺分泌、減少出汗、消除汗臭及體臭,保持肌膚乾爽。 ☆有效抑制汗腺分泌,可消滅引致汗臭、狐臭的細菌。 ★快速滲透配方,不會沾污衣物。 ☆帶有清淡氣味,男女合用。 ★For prevention of perspiration and odor. ☆With 2 effective astringent properties used as antiperspirant in the treatment of hyperhidrosis to keep your skin dry. ★Phenoxetol is added to eliminate bacteria causing body odour. ☆Fast penetration, leave no mess on clothes. ★A roll-on type anti-perspiration with lightly scent, suitable for men and women.


  • ★For prevention of perspiration and odor.
  • ☆With 2 effective astringent properties used as antiperspirant in the treatment of hyperhidrosis to keep your skin dry.
  • ★Phenoxetol is added to eliminate bacteria causing body odour.
  • ☆Fast penetration, leave no mess on clothes.
  • ★A roll-on type anti-perspiration with lightly scent, suitable for men and women.
