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佐藤SATO Hakubi White C 180 粒裝 │抑制黑色素形成



★特有配方及維他命C 能有效抑制黑色素形成, 促進皮膚新陳代謝並將黑色素從底層逐層排走,淡化至透明無色。 ☆以最有效成份比率擊走黑色素,對色斑、雀斑效用提高了 1.6倍。 ★含有維他命B6 促進肌膚新陳代謝,改善暗瘡及粗糙皮膚。 ☆而又稱維他命B5的特有成分能幫助身體吸收維他命B 及 C,使美白功效於每個肌膚細胞極致發揮,讓肌膚回復無斑淨白。 ★每一粒 HAKUBI WHITE C 都不含糖分,絶無卡路里,最適合每位注重健康美肌的您。 ★Special ingredient and Vitamin C can effectively suppress the production of melanin, promotes skin metabolism and melanin secretion, turn black melanin colorless. ☆The combination of special ingredient and Vitamin C in effective proportions that makes Hakubi White C 1.6 times more effective on solving pigmentation problems, such as blemishes and freckles. ★Vitamin B activates the metabolism of the skin and shows effect on pimples and rough skin. ☆Calcium Pantothenate is also known as Vitamin B5. Takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat, and also strengthens adrenal cortical function and has antidotal effect. It also enhances the function of Vitamin C. ★Sugar-free and the calorie is 0kcal. Recommended for people who are concerned about calories.

Product Details

  • Special ingredient and Vitamin C can effectively suppress the production of melanin, promotes skin metabolism and melanin secretion, turn black melanin colorless.
  • The combination of special ingredient and Vitamin C in effective proportions that makes Hakubi White C 1.6 times more effective on solving pigmentation problems, such as blemishes and freckles.
  • Vitamin B activates the metabolism of the skin and shows effect on pimples and rough skin.
  • Calcium Pantothenate is also known as Vitamin B5. Takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat, and also strengthens adrenal cortical function and has antidotal effect. It also enhances the function of Vitamin C.
  • Sugar-free and the calorie is 0kcal. Recommended for people who are concerned about calories.

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