購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

佐藤SATO HI-VETIC A OINTMENT白癬敵 軟膏 15g│不含激素及類固醇



★強效抗菌成份能有效治療由徽菌(真菌)引致的香港腳問題等症狀。 ☆修復皮膚黏膜損傷,迅速紓緩難受的痕癢。 ★不含激素及類固醇,安全可靠。 ★Which has excellent antifungal effect, which cause athlete’s foot & sweat stain etc... ☆Effective against very itchy athlete’s foot, prevents the recurrence of most athlete’s foot with daily use. ★Hormone & steroid free.

Rincian Produk

  • Which has excellent antifungal effect, which cause athlete’s foot & sweat stain etc...
  • Effective against very itchy athlete’s foot, prevents the recurrence of most athlete’s foot with daily use.
  • Hormone & steroid free.

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