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佐藤SATO HAKUBI WHITE C 美白淡斑精華素 20g│皮膚平衡配方



★以獨有份子分解技術研製,高效淡化色斑、雀斑,改善不均膚色,並制止黑色素增生,持續美白袪斑。 ☆含 6% 高濃度維他命C,能有效抗氧化,抑制黑色素形成及積聚,有效改善色斑問題,並淡化暗瘡疤痕。 ★加入維他命C 誘導體,加強皮膚浸透性,令美白淡斑成效倍增。 ☆質地清爽,透明精華凝膠滲透性高,能迅速被肌膚吸收。 ★特別尖頭設計,能更精確地將精華素點塗在面部色斑及雀斑上,定點美白去斑。 ★Highly effective on flecks, freckles and improvement on uneven skin color, also suppress the production of melanin. ☆Contains 6% vitamin C derivative, the suppressive effects is noticeable on melanin accumulation. ★Strengthen skin permeability when vitamin C derivative added. ☆A highly permeable clear gel, skin can absorb rapidly. ★Pinpoint use of this light-textured gel is effective against worrying blemishes, freckles and acne.

Product Details

★Highly effective on flecks, freckles and improvement on uneven skin color, also suppress the production of melanin.
☆Contains 6% vitamin C derivative, the suppressive effects is noticeable on melanin accumulation.
★Strengthen skin permeability when vitamin C derivative added.
☆A highly permeable clear gel, skin can absorb rapidly.
★Pinpoint use of this light-textured gel is effective against worrying blemishes, freckles and acne.

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