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佐藤SATO Acess Toothpaste牙菌消 草本牙膏 60g│紓緩牙肉紅腫出血



★有效預防及紓緩口部問題引致的牙肉出血、紅腫、痿縮、潰瘍;防止蛀牙及去除口臭。 ☆以 3 氣種歐洲天然草藥製成包括洋甘菊等精華:可有效對付齒槽及牙齦炎引致的細菌,具止血、化膿、消腫功效;亦可減低其他症狀如口氣、口臭等。 ★絶無研磨劑,不會損害牙齒的琺瑯質或刺激牙齦,比其他抗敏牙膏可靠。 ☆獨特鹹味配方,令口腔留下清新舒適感覺。 ★Three kinds of natural herbs exhibit a powerful effect on anaerobic bacteria that cause alveolar pyorrhea or gingivitis, thereby reducing bad breath, stickness of mouth, and swelling. ☆Contains no abrasive substances; leaves no plaque in the spaces between teeth and gums (periodontal pockets). ★A superb oral cleansing effect; leaves a salty and a pleasant aftertaste.


  • Three kinds of natural herbs exhibit a powerful effect on anaerobic bacteria that cause alveolar pyorrhea or gingivitis, thereby reducing bad breath, stickness of mouth, and swelling.
  • Contains no abrasive substances; leaves no plaque in the spaces between teeth and gums (periodontal pockets).
  • A superb oral cleansing effect; leaves a salty and a pleasant aftertaste.
